Ck2 vassal opinion cheat

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I get it that you're frustrated i indirectly called you out with your unhelpful post, but to try to make me look stupid is a mistake.

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Me: gives the OP a somewhat helpful, brief, rudimentary guide to how to actually go about dealing with vassal limit, telling them how it actually is (it's cute how you happened to cut that part of my post out of your quote btw) You: doesn't answer the OP's question, simply posts a link to an actually very unhelpful wiki that uses technical terms a new player might not even know or grasp, along with mathematical equations to estimate vassal limit. Of course the game won't be 100% historically accurate as it's still a game and needs things for you to manage and ways to limit the player, having a vassal limit helps limit the player from just blobbing out like crazy. The wiki: *lists off a bunch of things that raise/ lower vassal limit answering the question being asked* and yet in crusader kings 2, the player receives penalties for all these things. in history, rulers had many direct vassals, and many lands personally under their control, and many had numerous duchies that they controlled.

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it also has no historical basis whatsoever, which is disappointing and annoying in a historical game. Originally posted by Heraclius Caesar:the wiki isn't really helpful and tbh this is something that a lot of players find frustrating.